The target audience are females in between 12 - 16 for my magazine article and album cover alike. The magazine interview appeals to my demographic because my artist relates to my demographic because she talks about her past experiences through responses to the questions I asked. I feel that the quote catches the audiences eye because it seems like a nice and inspiring thing to say. I only used two main colors, to keep the interview appear more professional but simple, the colors I used are pink and blue, which help the page look brighter and more appealing, making my artist seem more fun and easy going but serious about her music - like how I tried to portray her in the photo on the right side of the interview.
I think it could be suitable to feature in a magazines like Tiger Beat or others - which are targeted at a younger teenage audience, who perhaps like my artist, are aspiring musicians looking fro their big break, and as my interview is set after she released her debut album, it could be inspiring to an area of my demographic, whilst the others (in the demographic) would just be looking forward to being introduced to a new musician.
I followed the convention of using one whole page for a photograph and of using a drop cap to start my interview because it attracts the eye of the demographic immediately, causing them to read on. The photograph portrays the artist in a good light, encouraging the audience to read the interview to find out more about the subject.
I think it could be suitable to feature in a magazines like Tiger Beat or others - which are targeted at a younger teenage audience, who perhaps like my artist, are aspiring musicians looking fro their big break, and as my interview is set after she released her debut album, it could be inspiring to an area of my demographic, whilst the others (in the demographic) would just be looking forward to being introduced to a new musician.
I followed the convention of using one whole page for a photograph and of using a drop cap to start my interview because it attracts the eye of the demographic immediately, causing them to read on. The photograph portrays the artist in a good light, encouraging the audience to read the interview to find out more about the subject.
My album cover is appealing because it connotes very emotional thoughts, and I feel that it portrays my artist as sweet, inspirational and intelligent and because I used indirect address, which makes it seems like her thoughts are private, personal and important - like the person the everyday teenager wants to be. They would look up to her, as if she were a role model. I also used a widely known landmark - the Big Ben - as the backdrop because it connotes ideas of adventure and it also fits in with the title of the album - Timeless.
In both my interview and album cover, the artist is represented as down to earth and sweet, as mentioned before they both make her seem thoughtful by using indirect address in both photographs, creating synergy between them.
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